Lumea Dinauntru/World Within – english version


Lumea Dinauntru/World Within – english version

20:00 - 21:10
sau sms la numarul 0721268516
  • “Lumea Dinauntru”
    de/by John Elsom
    Regie Catinca Draganescu
    Scenografie Ioana Draganescu
    LightDesign Dragos Margineanu
    CU Valentina Zaharia

A woman lies paralyzed within her own body. She can only blink, once for ‘Yes’ and twice for ‘No’. But her mind takes her on a journey across vast distances, back to her childhood, forward to the gates of death and downwards into the hidden recesses of her heart.What is she led to find?

“Very powerful, very moving, with a beginning that frightens and an unexpected ending that haunts. A production that has been intricately crafted to the level of the most intimate nuances and the dynamics of the atom.” Andrei Craciun – Ziarul Metropolis -Andrei Craciun – Metropolis Journal

“World Within has the emotional charge of a deadly leap. It’s a mix of the most diverse emotions in a perpetual change. To her credit, Valentina Zaharia carefully chooses the right dosage” – Oana

”A must-see show.
A show that disturbs, troubles and yet amuses you.”- Ion Andrei Puican-

“World Within is a filigran like show, about the never-ending energy of life. It’s beautiful, It’s generous, It’s rich.” Iulia Popovici-The Cultural Observer
“In urma cu trei ani am terminat de scris o serie de 10 povestiri despre experientele stranii si irationale care ne transforma viata. Le-am oferit actritei Valentina Zaharia, cu speranta ca-i vor placea si ca va dori sa faca din ele un spectacol lectura in limba romana si engleza.


Foto credit: Maria Stefanescu


grafic design by Glitch

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